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This paper addresses the possibility of increasing the sensitivity of g a m m a - s p e c t rometric assays of nuclear materials by introducing radioactive markers into nuclear material composition. The radionuclides For detection of the marked nuclear material, a scintillation g a m m a - s p e c t rometer is suggested, and for the follow-up detailed analysis of the detected item, a germanium spectrometer. An eva luation is presented for 60Co, 152Eu, and 154Eu can be applied as the markers.60Co concentration re q u i red to detect 10 g 235 equal to 10 seconds. In t roduction of the radioactive markers does not change the physical and chemical nuclear material pro pe rties, and does not worsen radiation safety of personnel invo l ve d in nuclear materials management. At the same time, introduction of the radioactive markers makes it possible to reduce the time of nuclear material control measurements and to apply simpler and less- expensive equipment. U or 239Pu shielded by lead with the time of a control measurement
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