New Brunswick Laboratory Measurement Evaluation Programs

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Jay M. Thompson - New Brunswick Laboratory
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New Brunswick Laboratory (NBL) is owned and operated by the U.S. De p a rtment of Energy (DOE). NBL serves as the U.S. government’s central authority for nuclear materials measurements and measurement evaluation. It is also the U.S. government’s certifying authority for nuclear reference materials. New Brunswick Laboratory has been assigned by the U.S. De p a rtment of En e r g y, Office of Security, to assess and evaluate the adequacy of measurement technology as applied to materials accounting in DOE nuclear facilities. NBL manages two measurement evaluation programs. The Safeguards Measurement Evaluation Program is a means to monitor and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of nuclear materials accounting destru c t i ve measurements, while the Calorimetry Exchange Program eva l uates nondestru c t i ve measurements. This paper presents an ove rview of the programs with representative results from 2001.
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