The Transport of Radioactive Materials Under Special Arrangement

A.L. Biaggio - Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.
J.R. López Vietri - Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
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The IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material is used world-wide for ruling the international transport of radioactive material (RAM) and provides the basis of national and regional regulations. The Regulations establish technical, operational and administrative requirements to protect against radiation risks under both normal and accident conditions of transport . There are circumstances where, for different reasons, some of which are analyzed in this paper, it is difficult for a consignor to satisfy all the regulatory requirements. In such a sense, the provision of para. 211 of the Regulations related to the transport of RAM under special arrangement allows the transport of a consignment of RAM, even in the hypothetical case where all applicable requirements are not being fulfilled, if, at least, the overall level of safety is maintained. This paper explains some difficulties the Argentine Competent Authority has experienced trying to compare the overall level of safety resulting from compliance with current requirements and the overall level of safety which is provided by the application of alternative provisions. As most of the experience gained comes from the transport of RAM by road, only this mode of transport is considered.