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The results of the seven sets of RADTRAN analyses performed for the NUREG/CR-6672 study, using the analysis methods and input data described in the previous five papers, are presented. Specifically, incident-free and accident population dose risks are presented, mainly for rail spent fuel shipments via 200 generic routes that span all regions of the continental United States, but also for four real rail shipment routes, and for the NUREG-0170 rail route. In addition, the accident risks calculated using NUREG-0170 and Modal Study rail accident source terms and source term probabilities are compared to the risks calculated using the 21 rail accident source terms and source term probabilities developed for the NUREG/CR-6672 study. These calculations suggest that spent fuel shipment accident risks are three to four orders of magnitude smaller than the spent fuel accident risk estimates published in NUREG-0170, NRC’s EIS for the transport of radioactive materials. Finally, the conclusions suggested by these results are presented.