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The strategy of Taiwan Research Reactor Renewal plan is to reoove the old reactor block withOne Piece Reactor Rerooval (OPRR) method for installing a new research reactor in originalbuilding.Based on this strategy, a total weight of 2,800 T, Taiwan Research Reactor block iocludingreactor core and biological shielding is being planned to be reooved and transported fron itsin-site place to the underground storage vault which is located at the west outside of thereactor building for long-tenn lllderground storage.The major subsystems to transport this reactor block ioclude that the transportation work ofreactor block lift-up, the work of reactor block horizontal transportation and the transportationwork of reactor block l<M!rlng. The work of reactor block lift up is to transport thereactor block fron its original pedestal wall position to the first floor slab. The work ofreactor block horizontal transportation is to roove the reactor block fron first floor slabthrough a tanporary opening on the west building wall to outside underground storage vault.The work of reactor block l<M!rlng is to l<M!r the reactor block fron the top to the botton ofstorage vault for mderground storage. In this paper, the engineering design of eachtransportation works iocludlng the work method, the rrajor equlJlOOflts, the design policy anddesign criteria is described and discussed. In addition, to ensure the reactor block issafely transported for storage and to guarantee the integrity of reactor base mat ismaintained for new reactor, operation safety is drawn special attention, particularly underseismic corxfition, to warrant safe operation of OPRR. ALARA principle and Below RegulatoryConcern (BRC) practice were also iocorporated in the planning to minimize the collect! ve doseand the total arount of radioactive wastes. All these activities are introduced in this paper.