JNFL-2 site is composed of relevant gas centrifuge uranium enrichment facilities such as Rokkasho Enrichment Plant (REP), Centrifuge Test Facility (CTF), Component Research Facility (CRF) and Centrifuge Machinery Factory (CMF). In REP which is prime facility of JNFL-2 site, safeguards measures such as nuclear material accountancy, safeguards inspection by IAEA and containment and surveillance (C/S) measures have been applied at REP based on comprehensive safeguards agreement since the start of operation in 1992. Main features of nuclear material accountancy at REP are based on high precision nuclear material accountancy of each UF6 cylinder and physical inventory taking (PIT) carried out in operation not under shut down condition. Also dedicated NDA systems have been developed to quantitate the amount of solid uranium gradually adhered inside UF6 gas centrifuges (Holdup Material), which was not expected at the beginning. Furthermore JNFL is working on the improvement of NDA system to measure holdup material more accurately. Limited Frequency Un-announced Access (LFUA) inspection has been implemented at REP and CTF according to the concept of the Hexapartite Safeguards Project. Also, the Integrated Safeguards (IS) approach including additional protocol (AP) has been applied to JNFL-2 site since 2011. The IS approach provides strengthening and efficiency of safeguards implementation by expanded LFUA, and application of additional C/S measures. Although any nuclear materials are not handled at CRF and CMF, complementary access (CA) at these two facilities have been implemented based on IS approach. Since these two facilities possess some equipment including commercially sensitive information, it is important to meet the requirements of CA and protect the commercially sensitive information respectively. In order to meet both requirements, JNFL had discussed with IAEA and state, arrangement on managed access was agreed, CAs are being implemented accordingly. This paper presents implementation of safeguards which strengthened and made efficiency safeguards measures by IS approach at JNFL-2 site. Also arrangement and experience of CA at the CRF and CMF are described.