Drop Test of Reinforced Concrete Slab onto Storage Cask

O. Kato - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Y. Kato - Nuclear Fuel Cycle Department, CRIEPI
S. Hattori - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
C. Ito - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
K. Sirai - Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
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When storing spent fuel in cask, seismic resistance equivalent to Class-As (Japanese Classification for Seismic Degree) can be expected to be obtained in the cask; hence the storage house of Class- C in aseismic priority classification may be sufficient. In case an earthquake of Class-S2 in reference seismic motion occurs during cask storage, therefore, it can be assumed than an accident causing heavy objects to drop onto the cask due to a collapse of the storage bouse may occur. As of the present time, however, no technical standards have been established in regard to structural integrity and there have been few demonstration test examples, and no sufficient evaluation bas also been carried out in this respect. In this research, drop tests onto full -scale casks considering the specifications of a falling object (weight, construction, drop height, etc.) demonstrate and evaluate the integrity of casks in case a heavy object drops into the storage facilities.