Feasibility Study by Experimental Protocol to Extend the Domain of Validity of an Automated Gamma Counting System

Nathanaël Gombert - CEA
Guillaume Rousseau - CEA
The automatic gamma assay system “MADAGASCAR” is used for identifying and quantifyingradionuclides in waste drums produced by the French Alternatives Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) of Valduc. The segmented measurement allows to obtain two gamma spectrum, one with transmission source and another without transmission source,for each 25 centimeters segments of drums. The detection efficiency is obtained from the transmission measurement leading to a correction of the matrix attenuation. According to the initial calibration of the system, the measurement of drums is restricted both by density (above 0.4) and actinides mass (allowed until 5 grams). In order to increase the capacity of MADAGASCAR, a feasibility study was performed to extend the ranges of density andactinides mass until 0.8 and 60 grams respectively. An experimental protocol and statistical tests were developed to validate these aims. This paper presents the results of this study and the involvement for the MADAGASCAR device.