This work presents a study on technological advances in nuclear instrumentation,specifically neutron detection and counting, for applications in radiation protectionand nuclear security risk prevention. Currently the majority of nuclear securitysurveillance systems, use proportional counters filled with 3He helium gas to detectneutron sources.Due to the overlapping neutron-gamma pulse height, counts rates are limited, deadtimes are high, in addition the severe global shortage of 3He, a replacementtechnology for neutron detection is needed in the near future. Several alternativereplacement detectors are available now, among these detectors is the 6LiF+ZnS(Ag)scintillation neutron detector. The latter is mainly characterized by high absolutedetection efficiency, low sensitivity to intrinsic gamma rays, and excellent lightyield.For this reason, we found it interesting to conduct an experimental study at thereactor department laboratory of National Centre for Nuclear Energy, Sciences andTechnology (CNESTEN) on the 6LiF+ZnS(Ag) scintillation detector characteristicswhich has the capability to replace Helium 3He based Detectors to ensure nuclearsecurity. During this study we submitted the scintillator 6LiF+ZnS(Ag) to the effectof radiation from two radioactive sources and different energy ranges are theCalifornium 252Cf as a neutron source with low activity, and 60Co as a gamma source to cover a broad study of their performance.In this work we have shown that the 6LiF+ZnS(Ag) scintillator meet the followingrequirements: a very good neutron sensitivity, low sensitivity to gamma rays,excellent long-term electronic stability in harsh environments, and a quick responsefrom the associated Neutron Detector and More (ND & M) electronics module, alsooffers little maintenance, ease of use for field inspectors, and applicability in a wide range of applications. These features are sufficient for it to be used in the detectionof nuclear and radioactive materials nuclear material and radioactive material thatmay be used in a criminal or unauthorized act, to ensure nuclear security in thenational and international territory.