Progress on Study for Radiation Alarming Data from Containers at Laem Cha Bang International Sea Port, Thailand

Sunchai Nilsuwankosit - Chulalongkorn University
The study for Radiation Alarming Data from Containers at Laem Cha Bang International Sea Port, T hailand had been performed with the support from IAEA to collect such data and to conduct the analyses on the pattern in which the nuclear and the radioactive materials could be carried or hidden inside the containers. T he data were collected during the period of November 2015 to the December 2016. Overall, 2442 data sets for the radiation alarming events from the containers passing through the “ Laem Cha Bang” International Sea Port, T hailand, were collected. In addition, 251 samples conducted with the hand-held devices and 50 X-ray Radiographs of these containers were also collected. F or the init ial analyses, the goods carried by the containers were roughly identified as belonging to the following groups: (1) fertilizer, (2) chemicals, (3) plastics, (4) ceramics, (5) grain, feed, agriculture or dairy products (6) wood, rubber or furniture, (7) scrap, mineral or metal, (8) equipment, (9) parts or spare parts, (10) paper and (11) others. This simple identification was aimed to facilitate the inspection process conducted by the local customs officers. The more t horough analyses on the data from Laem Cha Bang and from other i nternational sea ports were also being conducted by the nuclear security division of IAEA.