The Department of Energy (DOE) distributes uranium for educational purposes to United States (U.S.) universities, most commonly through loan agreements. DOE is conducting an assessment to identify and validate the current status of DOE-owned, unirradiated uranium at U.S. universities, and to establish whether the university has a continued use for the uranium. The inventory assessment will be compiled and include material identification or code, location, description, enrichment, chemical form, weight, item count, physical description, use or disposition status, and other parameters deemed useful. A management plan to include a framework for disposition of unwanted or unneeded DOE-owned uranium will also be developed to prioritize required uranium removal activities to minimize any vulnerability and burden on the university. Disposition options may include reuse, recycle, re-assign to another university for continued use, direct disposal, or interim storage awaiting future disposition. It is expected that the tracking and coordination of DOE-owned unirradiated uranium at universities will be managed by the DOE Central Scrap Management Organization (CSMO) for Uranium. DOE will collect additional characterization data to determine and coordinate the appropriate receipt location and appropriate packaging and transportation. If the material meets the acceptance criteria for the desired receiving site, appropriate shipping plans will be formalized. Upon authorization by the receiving facility, the material will be shipped. Once the initial program objectives are met, the management program will monitor and track DOE-owned uranium material at universities.