Assessing the goal of zero weapons-free world requires tremendous efforts & courage to determine the missing parts & the necessary procedure for strengthening disarmament & the non- proliferation regimes, especially under the increasing potential of acquiring the WMD by non- state actors. The mutual interrelation between the nonproliferation, disarmament regimes, & nuclear security lead to one of the most remarkable UNSC Resolutions 1540, which is a prevention measure to combat nuclear terrorism & support the multilateral disarmament efforts & export controls strength. However, it needs more infrastructure development & more efficient mechanism to implement the resolution effectively in order to face the challenge & the variability of the new threat: non-state actors & its methods to access the WMD, particularly after the high stream of immigration & refugees that might increase the vulnerability of these threat. In spite of the importance of the resolution, its implementation is quite slow; hence its effectiveness is still limited. The main purpose of the res1540 is to restraint the spread of weapons between states by establishing binding obligations for all states regarding WMD non-proliferation, & deterring non- state actors from accessing or engaging in illicit trafficking in such items. Although the resolution 1540 is the first international instrument that deals with the diverse WMD proliferation, its effectiveness & the scope of adherence to states is not examined yet. As the resolution has an strong impact on the multilateral nonproliferation & export controls, therefore, it is important to analyze these impact, evaluating the 1540 effectiveness & challenges. My paper have three main purposes: (a) give a brief explanation of the resolution background & the motivation, exploring its necessity & purpose; (b) to mention the impact of Resolution 1540 on the WMD proliferation export control by analyzing the states’ reports & its compliance situation. Then, explore the task of the 1540 committee, & the compulsion of the committee’s decisions; (c) to identify & discuss the challenge to successfully implementing the Resolution 1540. Ending, by giving recommendations that may improve its implementation, open question to be taken into consideration in order to identify a strategy to recognize the future of Res1540