The Role of Students in Establishing Strong Nuclear Security Culture in Nigeria

Yakubu Viva Ibrahim - Centre for Energy Research and Training
John Simon - Ahmadu Bello University
Umar Sadiq - Ahmadu Bello University
Abdulsamat Asuku - Ahmadu Bello University
Establishing a strong nuclear security culture is essential to enhance the security level in any country that operates nuclear facilities or intends to operate such facilities for peaceful purpose. The importance was broadly consented during several Nuclear Security Summits, then many states have tried to develop nuclear security culture for their domestic uses and sharing the outcomes with other states as a module guides. Encouraging the activities, the International Atomic Energy Agency has published guide documents on Nuclear Security Culture but the implementation still relies on the individual states. In an attempt to have a successful implementation of strong Nuclear Security Culture in Nigeria, the Institute for Nuclear Material Management (INMM) has created the first Nigerian Student’s Chapter at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. The mission of the Chapter is dedicated to the development and promulgation of practices for the safe, secure and effective stewardship of nuclear materials through the advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue, and enhancement of professional capabilities. The chapter’s broad objectives are geared toward inculcating strong Nuclear Security Culture among other young (potential) professionals who are trained to feed the pipeline to supply the requisite workforce in Nigeria. The country is currently operating a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR), and desiring to add Nuclear Power in her energy mix. Therefore, establishing a strong Nuclear Security Culture, exploring and maintaining best practice guides in Nigeria have become a national concern. In this paper, the various ways in which Nigerian students will provide their own inputs in establishing strong Nuclear Security Culture are clearly delineated and discussed exhaustively. The study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the need for more involvement of students in Nuclear Security matters in Nigeria.