Establishment of a strong nuclear security culture is essential to enhance the nuclear security level in nuclear facilities, and applicable to similar facilities in other countries for their cultural generality. This importance was broadly consented during several Nuclear Security Summits, then many states have tried to develop nuclear security culture for not only their domestic uses but also sharing the outcome with other states as a module. Encouraging to these activities, the International Atomic Energy Agency has published guide documents on nuclear security culture but its implementation encounters difficulties in details. On the contrary, nuclear safety culture has been discussed and established since the early 1990s. A study on nuclear safeguard culture was also started in recent. Thus comparisons among nuclear safety, security and safeguards (3S) cultures can be meaningful to develop a general module of the nuclear security culture because of their common characteristics as organizational culture. In the paper, common and feature elements of nuclear 3S cultures are identified from the comparative studies. This study can provide a comprehensive understanding of nuclear 3S and their cultures, and be a start point to establish nuclear security culture.