Recommendation for Using the Internet-based Survey Method in the Self-Assessment for Nuclear Security Culture

Dany Mulyana - Indonesian Nuclear Energy Agency
Adinda Tisha Desviana - Nuclear Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada
Alifia Rahmawati - Nunlear Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada
Nia Febriyanti - Nuclear Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has promulgated the draft for technical guidance for self-assessment for nuclear security culture to assess the nuclear security culture within the work culture in the nuclear facilities. The technical guidance provides four tools, comprising of survey, interview, document study, and observation. The previous experience of conducting the survey tool, in Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (National Nuclear Energy Agency—BATAN Indonesia) used paper and manual analysis. However, those techniques needed longer time and required special sessions that consumed respondents’ time. Those techniques were also inefficient logistically due to their need of massive amount of paper. Moreover, in the analysis process, it also required longer time and manpower because the input was in manual, but the data had to be processed digitally. Based on those problems, this paper recommends the survey tool to be conducted by using the internet-based survey application. The reason for using the internet-based survey is that Indonesia has high number of internet users, and the internet may be accessed anytime, anywhere using smartphones. The advantage of using the internet-based survey is to cover the weaknesses of the conventional survey mentioned earlier. The target of this paper recommendation is Indonesian educational institutions’ employees whose laboratories possess radioactive materials, due to the risk of the radioactive materials misuse and the urgency of the nuclear security culture in their work culture.