A Study on Reducing the Insider Threat in Nuclear Facilities

Jai San Kim - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Nuclear Security Office
Jai San Kim - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Nuclear Security Office
Myung Tak Jung - Nuclear Security and Cyber Security Division, Nuclear Security Office
Malicious insider activities can be one of the most influential threats at nuclear facilities. A insider threat has become more complex and dynamic, and it can affect nuclear facilities and the private sectors maliciously in a very short time. Once an insider threat occurs at a nuclear facility especially, the effects can be more serious than an outsider threat. Insiders already get much information to raise critical problems at nuclear facilities. Also they have the abilities to do the malicious acts in person or they may conspire with outsiders and other insiders. This paper explains what an insider threat at a nuclear facility is and what measure are needed to protect against it.