Development of the structured relational database for civil plutonium in Russia

Korobeinikov V.V. - FSUE “SSC RF - IPPE\"
Moseev P.A. - FSUE “SSC RF - IPPE\"
Pshakin G.M. - FSUE “SSC RF - IPPE\"
Skupov M.V. - VNIINM
Glushenkov A.E. - VNIINM
Rogozhkin V.Yu. - VNIINM
By now, a large amount of plutonium has been accumulated within the weapons complex as well as in spent nuclear fuel of various reactors (power, research and propulsion) during the period of the Soviet/Russian nuclear program existence. Plutonium accumulated in the civilian nuclear program of the USSR/Russia is rather scattered in terms of its isotopic composition as well as storage time which affects isotope ratios of plutonium itself and minor actinides accumulated while storing. We should know exactly where, how much and how plutonium is stored at the required time in order to determine the future of plutonium accumulated (or being in the process of accumulation): long-term storing, disposal or use as fuel in a closed fuel cycle. Unfortunately, the existent control and accounting system of nuclear materials (including plutonium) lacks such data. The present work deals with the creation of a special-purpose database for civil plutonium in Russia which would make it possible to prepare the source data for system analytical research in justification of decisions on the future use of civil plutonium in Russia.