A Validated Impact Analysis Model for ILW Transport Containers

I L S Gray - UK Nirex Ltd, Green garth Hall, Holmrook, Cumbria CA 19 I UL, United Kingdom.
R W T Sievwright - UK Nirex Ltd, Green garth Hall, Holmrook, Cumbria CA 19 I UL, United Kingdom.
Gerard McCreesh - BNFL, England
A.S. Duvall - British Nuclear Fuels Engineering Group
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UK Nirex Limited (Nirex) is developing a deep repository for the disposal of intermediate level and low level radioactive wastes (IL W and LL W). Nirex is also responsible for producing standard designs of transport containers. One concept under consideration is the Concept L reusable shielded transport container (RSTC) which is being designed to IAEA Type B requirements (IAEA 1990). The contents of the RSTC will normally be cemented IL W in four 500 litre drums, or in a single 3m3 box or drum of similar outside dimensions to the four 500 litre drums in their transport frame. The RSTC will be produced in a range of shielding thicknesses from 70mm to 285mm, to meet the requirements of different wastes. Figure 1 shows the 70mm version, and Figure 2 shows the 285mm version.