Reina Matsuzawa - Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Strong nuclear security can be achieved only with strong nuclear security culture. International society recognize s the importance of nuclear security culture and has been working on the human resource development in the area in order to enhance world nuclear security. However, with its relatively short history of the recognition, capacity building on nuclear security culture faces to challenges. Training courses on the topic sometime can be too conceptual. Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) , as a Japanese center of excellence (COE), has committed to the curriculum development for effective training of the personnel in charge of develop ing policy and programs for enhancing nuclear security culture. This effort is supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) by jointly improving the curriculum of IAEA i nternational workshop on nuclear security culture. In the 2012 workshop co - hosted by ISCN and IAEA, ISCN introduced a case - study type exercise for the participants’ better understanding on the indicators of good/bad nuclear security culture, and a group ex ercise to develop awareness program for new employees. Also, in the 2014 workshop co - hosted by the two bodies, ISCN proposed to upgrade the exercise on awareness program development, considering the needs of different approach to different target audiences of such a program. It suggested adding an essence of reasoning process to IAEA’s exercise on tips for self - assessment of nuclear security culture as well. Active introduction of Japan’s experiences on enhancing nuclear security culture was also included. These efforts aim at providing more practical trainings to participants, where they practically use the knowledge gained in the course as they have to do so back in their agencies. This paper describes how ISCN approach es to improve training course on nuclear security culture, utilizing its three - year experiences supporting nuclear security culture enhancement activities.