The conception of the Brazilian - Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials ( ABACC ) by Argentina and Brazil is a milestone, paving the way to a safeguards organization of its kind in the world. Many r esear ch assays and thesis have been produced on ABACC and on the motivations and thoughts of these two countries behind this initiative. The vision of the nuclear experts , politicians and diplomats engaged in the decision making process of its construction and consolidation is still a matter of interest. ABACC continues to be a distinct organization that has become a cornerstone in the political relati onship between Brazil and Argentina , far beyond its mandate of providing assurances on the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy, representing an essential component in the Argentine - Brazilian relationship. Moreover, ABACC and the safeguards it implement s have been recognized on their added value by the international community . T hey continue to be a case - study for those dedicated to non proliferation. It is noteworthy that this complex process of building trust and transparency has been materialized in a sensitive and strategic area as the development of nuclear technology. The vast majority of the non - nuclear w eapon states adhered to full scope safeguards through the NPT or NWFZ treaties or both. Brazil and Argentina have done it through a bilateral treaty on the exclusively peaceful use of nuclear energy. Only after this fundamental step, they decided to adhere to the NPT. Referring to the present , ABACC a nd the safeguards it applies have been widely recognized. The interaction and the enhanced cooperation with the IAEA safeguards are essential to ensure efficient and effective safeguards. In times of increasing challenges in the nuclear world and where new generations are taking the lead, it is important to further spread the origin and the c ontribution of these initiatives from the perspective of the ones that were involved in the proce ss. It reviews some of th e milestones that led to the creation and consolidation of ABACC and its contribution to international safeguards and non proliferation from the author’s perspective.