Implementation of IAEA INFCIRC/901

Daniel Johnson - World Institute for Nuclear Security
The international community has spent considerable time, money, and effortattempting to establish a series of national and regional Centers of Excellence (COEs)for nuclear security, most of which have joined the IAEA’s Nuclear Security SupportCentre (NSSC) Network. Now with the end of the Nuclear Security Summit process,sustainability is a key consideration for many NSSCs. However, these Centers tend tohave a wide variety of objectives, structures, and methods of delivery; nointernationally accepted standard exists on how they should operate. Against thisbackdrop, a number of States, Foundations, and Industry supported the developmentof the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS) Academy, an initiative to providepractitioners with opportunities to earn certification in Nuclear Security Management.Underpinning the program is certification in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO29990 quality management standards. These standards provide an internationallyrecognized external benchmark of quality; demonstrate credibility, competence andprofessionalism; and give potential employers and others in the industry an objectivemeasurement of participants’ knowledge. WINS recommends that NSSCs follow asimilar model, in which their participants receive an evaluation leading toqualification or certification, and using professional standards developed by arecognized, respected certifying body rather than developing their own ad hocarrangements, which may ultimately be unsustainable. WINS has sought political andindustry commitments to expand the Academy initiative, and these efforts wererecognized at the 2016 NSS in a Joint Statement on Certified Training for NuclearSecurity Management. This Joint Statement, signed by 12 States, was subsequentlypublished as IAEA Information Circular 901 (INFCRIC/901), and commits signatoryStates to support the development of international certification through advocacy,peer review support, contributions or other means necessary. Signatory States havealso committed to promote cooperative efforts between WINS and the IAEA NSSCNetwork and the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN). OtherStates, supported by industry and civil society, are being encouraged to join theINFCIRC and provide a tangible commitment in support of the WINS Academy andcertified professional development for nuclear security.