Women in Nuclear Security - transforming the sector

Daniel Johnson - World Institute for Nuclear Security
Rhonda Evans - World Institute for Nuclear Security
The World Institute for Nuclear Security, supported by the Government of Canada and Norway, has developed a new initiative to complement the growing number of programmes being implemented globally to increase the representation of women in nuclear security and to highlight the positive impact of a more diverse and inclusive nuclear security sector. Sector specific research has revealed that women are significantly underrepresented in industries commonly associated with the utilization of nuclear and other radioactive material with a current estimate that women comprise only 20% of the nuclear workforce and are under presented in all management levels within the sector from entry level to the C suite. The WINS programme will highlight the positive steps that can be taken to ensure that greater participation of women in all aspects of nuclear security to transform the sector into one that is more diverse and representative of the broader society. WINS has designed a range of initiatives to bring attention to the issue both within its own programmes and as an advocate for action among other actors, including governments, competent authorities, operating organisations, professional associations, universities and schools. One aspect of this will be a review of the competency framework that support nuclear security and mapping against common pathways to nuclear security to identify whether or not these pathways are equally accessible to both men and women. The main message of this programme is to highlight the importance of diverse and inclusive workforces that harness all talents for effective and sustainable nuclear security; promote role models and bring forward the narrative of all women working in the sector to demystify their pathway to success. WINS is committed to concrete actions and outcomes as a consequence of the programme and will be reporting on these regularly and promoting the programme through comprehensive outreach and consultation.