Development of Next Generation Nuclear Security Experts in Nigeria

Hannah Hale - Institute for Nuclear Security, Department of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tennessee
Howard L. Hall - Institute for Nuclear Security
Joseph R. Stainback IV, PhD - University of Tennessee
Yakubu Viva Ibrahim - Centre for Energy Research and Training
Stephen Dahunsi - Institute for Nuclear Security - University of Tennessee
Dane de Wet - Institute for Nuclear Security - University of Tennessee
The desire for peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology has increased globally, largely due to the growing electricity demands of energy starved countries. Concurrently, terrorism and insurgency have become growing challenges for the Nigerian government. Nigeria is presently pursuing the addition of nuclear power into its energy mix and, with this introduction, will be faced with ensuring the safety and security of its workers, the Nigerian public, the environment, and national assets. In order to ensure a safe and secure future for nuclear power, a strong nuclear security program must be established in Nigeria. Currently, Nigerian professionals within academia, industry, and regulatory agencies are participating in nuclear security training and education to mature their expertise within the field. This paper focuses on leveraging this knowledge among current professionals, and outlining a strategic plan for developing the next generation of nuclear security scientists, engineers, and technicians for Nigeria, to work towards a sustainable, domestic workforce