In this paper, a reconstruction algorithm for muon tomography has been formulated and studied. Muon is a subatomic particle that can penetrate 15 m of water, 1.3 m of lead and tens of meters of rocks or other materials before getting absorbed or deflected. This makes them highly suitable for employing them in the detection of deep hidden nuclear materials. In muon tomography, the muon’s trajectory is measured before and after it penetrates the object. The angle of deflection and the point of deflection of muons are found and these data are integrated from various trajectories. We propose an algorithm that finds the angle and the point using an iterative method. The iteration is performed to find new points and redraw a muon’s entry and exit trajectory till the two meet or shortest distance between the two is less than the dimension of a voxel. Then the scattering can be assigned to the voxel in that region. The angle of deflection is dependent on atomic number of the material. Consequently, a three dimensional image of the object or container under investigation is formed, based on the density and the atomic number of the material.