When spent fuel assemblies from the reactor of nuclear power plants(NPPs) are transported or stored, the assemblies are exposed to a variety of environments that can affect the peak cladding temperature. There are three models to calculate the peak cladding temperature of spent fuel assemblies in a cask: Manteufel and Todreas’s two-region model, Bahney Lotz’s effective thermal conductivity model, and Wooton-Epstein correlation. The peak cladding temperatures of Babcock & Wilcox(B&W) 15x15 PWR spent fuel assembly under helium backfill gas were evaluated by using two- dimensional CFD simulation and compared with two models(Wooton-Epstein correlation, Two-region model). The peak cladding temperature difference between the two-region model and CFD simulation ranges from -0.2K to 9K. Two- region model over-predicts the measured peak cladding temperature that performs in a spent fuel dry storage cask. Therefore the simulation could be used to calculate peak cladding temperature of spent fuel assemblies. Application using CFD simulation was conducted to investigate the peak cladding temperature and effective thermal conductivity of spent fuel assembly used in Korea NPPs: 16x16(CE type) PWR spent fuel assembly.