Monte Carlo Code Criticality Benchmark Comparisons for Waste Packaging

H.P. Alesso - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C.E. Annese - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
R.M. Buck - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
J.S. Pearson - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
W.R. Lloyd - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
COG is a new point-wise Monte Carlo code being developed and tested at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). It solves the Boltzmann equation for the transport of neutrons and photons. The objective of this paper is to report on COG results for criticality benchmark experiments both on a Cray mainframe and on a HP 9000 workstation. COG has been recently ported to workstations to improve its accessibility to a wider community of users. COG has some similarities to a number of other computer codes used in the shielding and criticality community. These include the LLNL codes TART and ALICE, the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) code MCNP, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) codes 05R, 06R, KENO, and MORSE, the SACLAY code TRIPOLI, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) code MONK, and the MAGI code SAM. The recently introduced high performance reduced instruction set (RISC) UNIX workstations provide computational power that approach mainframes at a fraction of the cost. A version of COG is currently being developed for the Hewlett Packard 9000/730 computer with a UNIX operating system. Subsequent porting operations will move COG to SUN, DEC, and IBM workstations. In addition, a CAD system for preparation of the geometry input for COG is being developed. In July 1977, Babcock & Wilcox Co. (B&W) was awarded a contract to conduct a series of critical experiments that simulated close-packed storage of LWR-type fuel. These experiments provided data for benchmarking and validating calculational methods used in predicting K-effective of nuclear fuel storage in close-packed, neutron poisoned arrays. Low enriched UO2 fuel pins in water-moderated lattices in fuel storage represent a challenging criticality calculation for Monte Carlo codes particularly when the fuel pins extend out of the water. COG and KENO calculational results of these criticality benchmark experiments are presented.