Technology Demonstration Through EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program

John Martin - U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program is beginning its seventh year of developing and evaluating new technologies which may contribute to the cleanup of hazardous waste sites. The SITE Program is composed of an Emerging Technology Program, a Demonstration Program, a Monitoring and Measurement Technologies Program, and a Technology Transfer Program. Field evaluations of the Demonstration Program concentrate on producing reliable engineering, performance, and cost information about specific technologies. The current Demonstration Program contains eighty-eight technologies. Thirty-five demonstrations, featuring systems for biological treatment, physical/chemical separation and treatment, materials handling, solidification and stabilization, and thermal destruction, have taken place over the past six years. Evaluations of a variety of technologies within fiscal year 92 have been accomplished on refinery sludges, fuels, wood preserving chemicals, metals, and mixed organic compounds. Demonstrations have taken place at Superfund sites, Test and Evaluation Facilities, landfills, and military sites. Details of recent demonstration projects are included along with a general description of the SITE Program.