Network Security Mangement System

Richard Schonbachler - Westinghouse Electronics Systems Group
Ted Wright - Westinghouse Electronics Systems Group
The protection of personnel and property in high threat security areas continues to be a vexing problem. Nuclear Power Plants are potential targets of terrorists, environmental activists, and disgruntled employees. The present use of guards, screening devices, CCTV, and card access systems need to be networked into an integrated security management system. The Westinghouse Network Security Management System increases the efficiency and effect^ iveness of security operations by centralizing and integrating all security, communications and reporting controls into one command and control monitoring center. Westinghouse has designed the Network Security Management System to incorporate access control, CCTV, photo image capture, biometrics devices, alarm monitoring, parking controls, elevator control, guard tour monitoring, and time and attendance management. The UNIX base operating systems offers the features of a multi-user, multi-tasking, multi-terminal, real time system. Activities can be displayed using icon graphics on detailed floor plan maps, or displayed in a list format as it occurs. The system maintains an extensive backlog of prior activities in its memory and can generate multiple reports.