Performance Testing: If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now

Kay E. Ondracek - OGDEN Environmental and Energy Services
With dwindling security monies, change in mission, increased emphasis on safe, cost-effective practices and the advent of new regulations, performance testing in the Department of Energy (DOE) complex has become a high priority. To meet the challenge, a formal, structured and documented Performance Test (PT) Program was established and implemented at the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP). The PT Program at RFP is comprised of three (3) components; the Program Plan, Test Plan and Test Report. The benefits of the PT Program have included archived, retrievable and auditable data, tools for long-and short-term personnel projections and system upgrades and valuable training department input. Throughout the Program's inception and implementation, lessons have been learned in the authority delegation, administrative controls, communications and scenario development arenas. This paper will discuss and lend example to the RFP experience.