Recent affairs in Iraq and North Korea have proved that the Agency safeguards system should be strengthened, and world community is now examining them vigorously. Considering limited resources available to the Agency, it is required that we must examine and propose more streamlining of the safeguards implementation, in addition to strengthening them. There are two approaches to address this problem. One is to consider it within the scope of INFCIRC 153 (NPT safeguards system), and the other is to examine the ways which could be outside of the scope (drastic changes). First, I would discuss the former approaches. There are three major areas to be improved; one, more effective use of SSAC, two, from human surveillance to mechanical surveillance, and three, more effective use of a decentralized system. Then talking about drastic changes, I would like to point out (1) the importance of the collection and use of information outside of the traditional safeguards area, e.g. satellite information, and (2) the importance of utilizing stepwise approaches for implementation. Realization of these concepts will help successful extension of the NPT in 1995.