“Novel real-time 3D-RIM realistic Radiological Isotopic Mapping for nuclear inspections, radiological assessment and management”

M Morichi - AREVA
Dr. Roger Abou-Khalil - AREVA Group
A novel multi-sensor integrated technology solution has been developed at AREVA. A real-time 3D system cartography of contaminated premises (objects included) with simultaneous photorealistic spatial radiation distribution and integrated dose rate and gamma spectroscopy capabilities. The system allows either handheld or could be mounted on a mobile device operation (robot, drone, e.g.). This paper, present our current development and examples of real operation in nuclear facilities, based on a SLAM technology (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and integrated sensors and detectors allowing simultaneous topographic and radiological (dose rate and/or spectroscopy) data acquisitions in real operational facilities. Applications envisaged and explored are covering nuclear material management, safeguards and inspections of operations as well as management of dismantling and decontamination; activities that are requiring safety, time saving and perfect radiological knowledge of the contaminated environment and objects as well as optimization for personnel dose and fast assessment for preliminary planning of waste volume minimization. Our experience and ideas originate from our mission on Site Remediation Activities carried out at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant during the accident. Such operation has imposed a stretch to the nuclear measurement operational approach requiring in such emergency situation: fast deployment and intervention, quick analysis and fast scenario definition.