K Area Complex: Evolving Asset Utilization

Richard Koenig - Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
The ability to perform sensitive, secure, in-field testing, and demonstrations whichrequire a “nuclear related environment” is a highly sought after attribute in the Nuclearand Government arena. Government organizations (DHS, DOD, DTRA, etc.) andnational security labs; as well as national, state and local security organizations, areconstantly seeking realistic environments to perform tests, in lieu of the standard lab orbench scale performance platforms. A great deal of research and development has been,and is currently, being funded in the area of nuclear safeguard technology and nucleardeterrence. Additionally, in-field demonstrations defining capability and technique areneeded by various organizations to “plan for and become effective in” deterrence for theevolving dynamic security threat in today’s world structure.Savannah River Site’s K Area Complex provides a realistic environment to supportnuclear related activities requiring a safe, secure and remote location possessing a varietyof radiological backgrounds; for small scale testing to large scale demonstrations.