The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Security Assessments, within the Office of Independent Enterprise Assessments, has begun using limited-notice performance tests (LNPTs) of sites’ safeguards and security programs to supplement traditional appraisal methodologies. These tests are designed to provide a more complete and realistic assessment of how systems will perform during actual emergency or security conditions. LNPTs are used to evaluate a site’s performance in selected topical areas, including Physical Security Systems, Protective Force, Protection Program Management, Information Protection, Personnel Security, and Material Control and Accountability (MC&A). This paper focuses on the unique aspects of effectively testing the performance of MC&A system elements at DOE sites when the personnel being tested receive only limited advance notice of an inspection. Trusted agents from both the site office and operating contractors are designated to assist in the testing process. LNPTs have been successfully conducted at several DOE sites and are now viable components of the overall independent system effectiveness testing conducted within DOE. Site personnel have fully cooperated and have responded favorably to the LNPTs, adding to the overall success of this program. This paper discusses the types of LNPTs, preparation requirements prior to onsite activities, lessons learned regarding the conduct of LNPTs, and generic results of the LNPTs that have been conducted to date.