Inventory Management System Using a Web Based Technology

I.C. Kim - Nuclear Materials Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
B.D. Lee - Nuclear Materials Control Team, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Inventory management is the center and basis of a facility-level system of accounting for and control of nuclear materials. The inventory status data submitted by the facility operator must be accurate and complete for IAEA inspection, as errors in this inventory data submitted can result in a distrust of the data and a doubt regarding the diversion of nuclear materials while the inspector implements a random interim inspection (RII) or physical inventory verification (PIV). To facilitate the accounting of the nuclear materials used in a research reactor, the facility operator should design and establish a simple and user- friendly process for reporting accurate and timely data for verification of nuclear materials. In compliance with this requirement, the facility operator must check the movement of nuclear materials at all KMPs using a near-real time control system. Therefore, KAERI is developing a systematic measure to implement a history management of the inventory changes of nuclear materials. This paper describes the outlines for the development of a Web- based inventory management system for a research reactor to simplify the inventory management and enhance the management history of the movement of nuclear materials.