Morocco has made substantial progress in the field of Nuclear Security, support the efforts and activities of the IAEA, promote nuclear security under international initiatives and continues to undertake actions aiming at strengthening capacity building in nuclear security. Morocco through its National Centre for Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (CNESTEN), benefited from the training offered by IAEA, mainly in the fields of nuclear security, nuclear detection, and physical protection of nuclear and other radioactive materials. At the same time, universities provide many efforts to develop nuclear security education with the support of national and international institutions. Indeed, after the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Nuclear Security Curriculum Development Workshop orgnized by PNS and CNESTEN in February 2012 in Rabat, many actions were undertaken with support of IAEA and PNS such as : Participation to the Annual Meeting of INSEN, held in July 2012 at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, participation to the 2nd and the 3th INSEN Professional Development Course on Introduction to Nuclear Security at King’s College London in the United of Kingdom, attendance to the 53th INMM Annual Meeting in Orlando by some Moroccan Professors and Researchers and organisation with support of Partnership for Nuclear Security in October 2012 of some Seminars on nuclear security education animated by an Americain expert for professors, members of Regulatory Body and master’s students at some Moroccan Universities. In this paper, we will describe the important role of international cooperation to establish nuclear security education in Morocco through university faculty members development, instructional material development and opportunities of networking. This will help us to build a nuclear security culture in the country as well as in the region.