Development of a code for the isotopic analysis of uranium

J.H. Kim - Seoul National University
Minyoung Kang - Seoul National University
The non-destructive assay (NDA) of nuclear material is on-site analytical procedure without the delay of international transfers, thus, it is less time-consuming and less expensive than the destructive analysis. The ?-ray spectroscopy is a representative non-destructive technique which can be applied to the isotopic analysis of nuclear materials. To strengthen the domestic nuclear nonproliferation regime, several techniques including ?-ray spectroscopy for the nuclear material analysis are being developed in South Korea. Commercial softwares of MGAU [1] and PC/FRAM [2] are widely used for the isotopic analysis of uranium, but the diversity of detection geometry and some nonnegligible effects – self attenuation, coincidence summing, etc. – suggest an analysis tool under continual improvement and modification. Hence, developing an independent code for HPGe ?-ray and x-ray spectrum analysis is started in this study.