The Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC) established through Act 46 of 1976 as an Agency for promotion and development of nuclear technology in Nigeria operates through Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT) Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, a Chinese Miniature Neutron Sources Research Reactor (MNSR) code named NIRR-1, which is the first research reactor in Nigeria and one of the newest in the world. Also, Nigeria has established a regulatory infrastructure called the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA). The NIRR-1 facility became critical on 12:35 pm on 3rd February, 2004. NIRR-1 is equipped with facilities to provide analytical services relevant to the Nigerian economy and is used for education and training of Nigerian. The technical data on NIRR-1 include a low power 30kW, a maximum flux of 1 x 1012 n cm-2 s-1 in its inner irradiation sites, HEU as fuel, light water as coolant/moderator and a beryllium as reflector. CERT houses some facilities such the Water purification system, Radioactive Waste Materials facilities amongst that compliment the operation of NIRR-1. After operation for seven years and we wish to shares our experiences, challenges and future direction in the area of safety security, safeguards and physical protection practices. The Regulatory Authority approved the Safety Analysis report (SAR). The Physical Protection System (PPS) as well as the QA/QC Systems of the NIRR-1 were designed, prepared, documented and established. Reactor Operators and maintenance personals were qualified and presented to the Regulatory Authority for approval. Then different documentations for the operation of the research reactor were designed, developed and approved. These include the radiation protection programme, the emergency preparedness programme and drill. Despite all we have put in place, we have a number of challenges, some of which were highlighted during the IAEA INSARR mission at the end of November 2009. These challenges are being addressed. The PPS upgraded of NIRR-1 has just been completed with assistance of the USDOE. We are participating in the TM aimed at conversion from HEU to LEU. The future plans include development of research methodologies aimed at identifying the effectiveness of the PPS and developing capabilities to for threat assessment aimed at addressing the current threats for nuclear materials all over the world.