Development of a Culture Factors Matrix for Human Reliability and Nuclear Security Culture Applications

Howard L. Hall - University of Tennessee
Joseph R. Stainback IV, PhD - University of Tennessee
OumKeltoum Hakam - University of Ibn Tofail, Faculty of Sciences-Kenitra
Fareed Yasin - Institute for Nuclear Security - University of Tennessee
Hannah Hale - University of Tennessee, Institute for Nuclear Security
The objective of the proposed work is to develop a matrix of cultural factors to better characterize Nuclear Security cultural differences that exist between the United States and Morocco. As a joint effort between the Universities(1) (2), this characterization of differences aims to allow for stronger, more effective collaborative efforts when working in applications of human reliability and nuclear security culture. This report will focus, firstly, on the characterization of America’s culture factors, which will serve as a baseline metric. The culture factors selected for this study were chosen based on their influence on nuclear security culture education and training, and applications of Human Reliability such as the development of a Human Reliability Program. With the U.S. baseline established, the study will extend the matrix to examine the same cultural factors for Morocco. Each culture factor, for the U.S. and Morocco, will be assigned a measure of significance as follows: Low (L), Moderate (M), High (H), and Very High (VH). For each factor, these values will be determined through research, exploring published surveys, statistics, and other applicable forms of data. With the matrix process complete, the results of the report will focus on outlining the cultural differences that need to be considered when working together, and define best practices for future collaborative efforts. Future work will extend the matrix to examine and characterize additional countries, with an aim to create a parameterized culture factors database for Human Reliability and nuclear security culture applications.