It appears that uranium supply chain, which has been dependent on uranium resource countries in western block, tends to gradually shift to eastern block. Accordingly new additional nuclear non-proliferation measures should be considered, namely depending on not only the supply-side approach such as bilateral agreements, but also demand-side approach, like multilateral nuclear approaches (MNA) to complement the present nuclear non-proliferation regime. International cooperative system among regional countries involving small emerging countries, which includes services for fresh fuel supply, spent fuel take-back/take-away, interim storage, reprocessing etc, may be able to contribute not only to reduction of the risk on nuclear proliferation (safeguards) but also to that on safety and security, enhancement of economic rationality, promotion of confidence-building, and prevention to the occurrence of unfair business. A regional Multilateral Nuclear Approach (MNA) framework, where reliable fuel-cycle services could be provided without discrimination, and meet the international 3S requirements, has been studied by the University of Tokyo in cooperation with JAEA since 2008. The previous paper (IV) of this series of the study has presented a specific proposal of Asian regional MNA framework as the final result of our study, which updated the series of our study papers (I)-(III) presented at INMM 2012 Annual Meeting. This paper evaluates and makes discussion on the proposed framework from the viewpoints of 1) nuclear non-proliferation/security, 2) safety, 3) Access to technologies, 4) transportation /geopolitics, and 5) economic efficiency. Feasibility and sustainability of the proposed MNA including industry’s involvement is also discussed in this paper.