Although infrequent, there have been instances of the Savannah River National Laboratory’s (SRNL) Model 9977 Type B Radioactive Material Packages arriving at the receipt location in a condition that was not in compliance with its authorization document. SRNL has been investigating the affected packagings and their operation to determine the likely cause for these occurrences. The postulated causes of the noncompliance considered are; improper package operation, damage to the package or packaging components, and/or a mechanism that would cause a properly closed package to perform anomaly and not remain closed. It should be noted that, although the packages were in an aberrant condition, in no instances did the condition result in the loss of containment of the radioactive materials within the package. This paper with discuss the noncompliance incidents, the investigation into the causes of the package being noncompliant, and the corrective action plan submitted to the package’s Certifying Official.