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This paper presents the results of a series of structural and shielding analyses perfonned on lead- shielded stainless steel (SS) and ductile iron (Dl) casks for transportation and storage of high- level waste (HLW). These analyses were perfonned to investigate the feasibility of utilizing DI for Type-B transport cask construction by investigating its structural response under severe loading conditions. The analyses have been focused only on rail casks, as it is anticipated that the majority offuture HLW inventory will be shipped in that mode. During the structural analyses o f the casks, it was found that the lead layer o f the lead-shielded stainless steel cask experienced some thinning during the impact. This defonnation raised concerns that the cask may fail to meet the shielding requirements as set forth in IOCFR71 (US NRC, 1995). Shielding analyses of the defonned cask are in progress using the analysis code SCALE4.3.