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Transport is a vital element of and for the nuclear industry. Contrasting to new multimedia technologies, it continues to use classical ways. which means road, sea. air or rail. Moreover, the growth of nuclear transportation will go together with its industry increase outcomes. Actually, this sector concerns all the stages of the nuclear fuel cycle. It begins with mine extraction, conversion, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, transportation of the fresh fuel to the reactors followed by spent fuel reprocessing, waste treatment and conditioning, MOX fabrication, etc .. and indeed between each steps of this long list of operations and processes some transport activities take place. Transportation appears therefore as a key component of the nuclear fuel cycle industry. It contributes to the production of one of the most vital commodities of the modem world: electricity. Indeed, it does so in a safe, regular and cost-effective manner. However, the quantities transported by this industry are very low as demonstrated further on. Over I 0 million radioactive material packages are transported all around the world each year. Only 5% of these relate to nuclear fuel cycle materials. The remainder consists of radioisotope transports, generally used for medical purposes. Despite these small quantities, the nuclear transportation industry faces a real challenge mostly due to its economical, public and strategic place. This former principle has to be explained. Thus, communication plays an increasing role in this framework. Moreover COGEMA and Transnuch!aire, its supplier in the nuclear fuel cycle transportation, have developed a policy of transparency, clarity and openness, in order to explain, educate and inform the Authorities as well as the international and national publics. We feel that this is not only made in the interest of COGEMA, Transnucleaire and their customers, but also in the interest of the industry as a whole.