The UK National Nuclear Laboratory is preparing to commission a suite of novel remote handling cells to support nuclear R&D in the UK. The new cells offer unparalleled technological strengths, comprising a high quality high active environment, capable of supporting ‘forensic’ levels of analysis in a high integrity and alpha sealed containment. The Facility will, therefore, provide a shielded environment suitable for, handling of irradiated Pu/MOX samples, solution chemistry using highly active liquors, residues and sludges (eg flowsheet trials), experimental studies requiring controlled environments, analytical measurements where minimum cross contamination is important, handling of radiation sources in the absence of contamination, and small scale production work. The Facility design concept is based on removable stainless steel containment boxes which are designed to be fully interchangeable. The cells are equipped with two master slave manipulators, and high quality lead glass shield windows. Postings are achieved using a dedicated facility transfer flask, which holds a sealed drum containing the material to be posted, which mates with each cell rear shield door. The sealed drum is passed through the rear sealed door to mate with the rear door on the containment box. Alpha containment is maintained throughout the posting operation. New experiments can be prepared in a clean containment box in the Commissioning Area which is situated outside the shielded cave line. Equipment may be tested and commissioned inactively within the Commissioning Area before the containment box is moved to the cave line. This arrangement de-risks the start up of active work and maximises facility throughput and utilisation. Decommissioning costs for a facility of this design concept are known to be low when compared with more traditionally designed remote handling facilities.