Interaction Location Reconstruction Using a Single Volume Neutron Scatter Camera

Kyle Weinfurther - University of Michigan
E. Brubaker - Sandia National Laboratories
Aaron Nowack - Sandia National Laboratories
J. Mattingly - North Carolina State University
P. Marleau - Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94551
While current designs of dual plane neutron scatter cameras have shown promising results in identifying the locale of neutron emitting sources, often times the low detection efficiency requires lengthy counting times to achieve the accuracy desired. To alleviate this problem, a new design for a neutron scatter camera has been proposed comprised of a single volume scattering medium. The single volume neutron scatter camera (SVSC) requires a high time resolution, high spatial resolution photodetector to function adequately. In order to establish the photodetector’s required time and spatial resolution, the accuracy and precision must be evaluated for interaction locations in the scintillator reconstructed from the photodetector’s time- and position-dependent response. This paper will demonstrate techniques being developed for interaction location reconstruction employing the Geant4 toolkit. Geant4 is being used to simulate light propagation within the detection medium and the temporal and spatial distribution of scintillation light entering the photodetector. This information can be used to estimate the location of the neutron interaction by determining the time of arrival of the scintillation light in conjunction with the two-dimensional distribution of pixel intensity in the photodetector. Methods that accurately and precisely estimate the location of the interaction within the scatter volume will be shown