Investigation of Possible Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) Techniques for the Future Swedish Encapsulation Facility

Sophie Grape - Uppsala University
Stephen J. Tobin - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter Jansson - Uppsala University
Niklas Lundkvist - Uppsala University
A geological repository for spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and an associated encapsulation facility will be built in Sweden. The encapsulation facility is planned to be in operation in 2025 and it will be the last place where verifying safeguards measurements of SNF can be performed. It is not clear what types of measurements that will be performed, because such requirements are not yet posed by national and international authorities and inspecting organizations. This paper describes the objective and most recent results of a master thesis, whereby a few existing NGSI non- destructive assay techniques for verifying SNF were selected for a review. The study focuses on the verifying ability of different techniques, or system of techniques, in relation to the requirement that may be put on the future encapsulation plant. In addition, possible needs for future simulations and measurements are discussed. The work was done within a collaboration between Uppsala University in Sweden and Los Alamos National Laboratory in the USA.