Management system for nuclear security culture in the Joint Institute for Power&Nuclear Research Institute – Sosny, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus

A.I. Kiyavitskaya - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
L. Domaschenko - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
The Republic of Belarus is committed to nuclear non-proliferation, on the whole, and in particular, to realizing of the statements of Resolution 1540 of the United Nations Security Council. In addition, Belarus is committed to introducing a program of nuclear security culture (NSC) enhancement, in accordance with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), at the Joint Institute for Power & Nuclear Research Institute (JIPNR) - Sosny. With the planned construction of the first nuclear power plant (NPP) in Belarus, it will be necessary to implement the Belarus state system of physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclear installations to that facility. In turn, the program of nuclear security culture enhancement at JINPR Sosny will serve as a basis for establishing a strong NSC at the new Belarusian NPP. The core of the Belarus NSC enhancement program is a management system characterized by clearly