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Recycling of nuclear fuel is the basic policy of Japan. Domestic transport of nuclear materials is assigned to the exclusively dedicated firm, Nuclear Fuel Transport Company(NFT) which plays a central role in the transport of spent fuel, VHLW, UF6 and LLW. In Japan, nuclear power plants and fuel cycle facilities are all located on the sea coast or close thereto, therefore, nuclear transport is mostly carried out by sea. Domestic transport of spent fuel has been carried out since I 978 from nuclear power plants to the Tokai Reprocessing Plant. The amount of spent fuel transported by the end ofMarch 1997 is approximately 900 tons. In the near future spent fuel will be transported to Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant of Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited(JNFL), which is under construction in Aomori Prefecture. Terminal overland transport of VHLW started in 1995, receiving it from La Hague Reprocessing Plant ofCOGEMA, France. It will continue routinely in the future. NFT started domestic transport ofUF6 in 1996, receiving it from overseas in 48Y cylinders and transferring it overland to the Rokkasho Enrichment Plant. It will also continue routinely in the future. Transport of LLW has been carried out since 1992 and as of March 1997, approximately 90,000 LLW drums were moved from nuclear power plants to the Rokkasho LLW Disposal Center. The transport has been performed mostly in orderly manner and demonstrated the safety of nuclear fuel cycle transport. With further reliance both from the consignors and local residents it is hoped that the transport will contribute to the fuel cycle activities.