JAEA Perspective on Cross-cutting Nuclear Data Improvements Required for Safeguards and Nonproliferation

Michio Seya - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Mitsuo Koizumi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Douglas C. Rodriguez - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Fabiana Rossi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tohn Takahashi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kenji Nishihara - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Akito Oizumi - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been evaluating multiple nonproliferation efforts that require accurate and precise nuclear data (ND). For one example, delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy (DGS) active interrogation is highly dependent on accurate fission-product yields to evaluate the fissile content within spent nuclear fuel (SNF) solutions in reprocessing facilities. Another effort is the proliferation resistance evaluation of accelerator-driven system (ADS) reactors wherein the safeguarding capabilities are directly tied to the energy production and the fuel content. While both of these require accurate neutron cross-sections, present results of DGS alone indicate large uncertainties on the composition evaluation dominated by the fission yield errors in the ND. Consequently, the JAEA is evaluating the present ND limitations, many of which are directly applicable to nuclear nonproliferation. Though broadly applicable, this presentation will describe the specific ND improvements deemed important for safeguards and proliferation resistance of nuclear energy development efforts.