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The drop tests stipulated in the IAEA Transport Regulation and analysis against the tests were carried out for a test package which has the same structural features as a package used for the actual transportation from nuclear power plant to the reprocessing plant at Rok.kasho-mura in Aomori-prefecture in JAPAN. The cask used in the drop tests was NIT-14P which contains 14 fuel assemblies for PWR. A structural features of the cask is that some part of the impact energy at the Drop test I are absorbed not only by the impact limiters but also by its external surface fins to remove decay heat. Electric heaters were put into the cask to simulate the heat generation of real spent fuels.Strains and accelerations were measured during the tests. The test results showed that the measured strains are within the allowable limit at all drop tests and the leakrate at the scalded parts are also within the allowable limit after the drop test. Using DYNA-30 structural analysis code, the drop test analysis were carried out. The external surface fins were modeled by shell ellement one by one. The deformation mode of the fins at the analysis was not coinsident with the one of the test result exactly. However, the analysis can give good agreement with the measured strains and accerelations.