The staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC staff) is implementing a systematic process for integrating regulatory activities to address future challenges related to the management of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level waste (HLW). This process is intended to assist the NRC staff in addressing ongoing changes in the national strategy for managing SNF and HLW and protecting public health and safety and the environment. This process will assure that the NRC staff treats SNF and HLW regulation as interrelated activities so that decisions made about one component or area of the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle adequately consider and integrate related components or areas. Treating the interrelated systems and activities involved in the regulation of SNF and HLW as one integrated system can be more efficient and effective than regulating them individually. By coordinating the regulation of SNF or HLW storage, transportation, reprocessing, and disposal, the NRC staff can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of NRC regulatory processes and provide stability and predictability for stakeholders in a dynamic environment. In addition, the process provides an organized approach for sharing information and perspectives among, and collaborating with, internal stakeholders; other Federal agencies; State, local, and tribal governments; international partners; the industry; the public; and other interested stakeholders.